Pür Doğal 100% Natural Pumpkin Fibre Rice Extract Face and Body Soap - Handmade 130 Gr
100% Natural Pumpkin Fibre Rice Extract Face and Body Soap - Handmade 130 Gr Natural touch that makes your skin special... Made entirely from natural pumpkin fibres, Pure Natural 100% Natural Pumpkin Fibre Rice Extract Face and Body Soap is designed to give your skin a natural and effective touch with the action of the rice extract it contains.
With the antioxidant action of the rice extract, it cleanses the skin of dirt and offers protection against harmful free radicals. It supports a radiant appearance of the skin, opens the pores and refreshes the skin with its special soap content and fibre action. When using, moisten the skin thoroughly, soften it and apply gently without applying too much pressure.